Why Imaging isn’t always needed with Lower Back Pain

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Many individuals with low back pain (LBP) seek guidance from their GP for ongoing treatment and symptom relief. Often, GPs recommend further imaging to identify the underlying cause of the pain, such as a disc bulge, herniated disc, degenerative disc, or disc thinning. However, it’s important to note that an MRI is not always a reliable indicator of the true source of your pain.

Recent research by A. Hall in 2017 highlights that, in the long term, avoiding lower back scans is often more beneficial for patients. The key finding is that less than 5-10% of all cases of lower back pain are caused by a specific spinal pathology. The remaining 90-95% of people experience pain that can be effectively managed with exercise, physiotherapy, and pain management techniques—without the need for scans.

In fact, people who undergo lower back scans tend to experience longer recovery times and more time off work. This can be attributed to the anxiety and fear that imaging results often cause, especially when they show disc bulges, herniated discs, or degenerative discs—terms that can sound alarming. However, it’s important to remember that 97% of people have these conditions without experiencing any pain.

Physiotherapists are well-equipped to assess your condition through a thorough clinical history and physical examination. If necessary, we can refer you for imaging based on our findings. By addressing your pain early with targeted treatment, we can reduce unnecessary delays and help you get back to living your life sooner—no scans or GP visits required. Book an appointment today!