Cervicogenic headaches develop from problems in and around the upper part of the neck, called the cervical spine. Pain is usually on one side but can be present on both sides and is typically felt around the base of the spine at the back of the neck (occipital region) and or over the top of the head (frontoparietal region).
Symptoms may be constant or intermittent and may be associated with neck pain and stiffness, shoulder/arm pain, jaw pain, and sometimes dizziness. Over-stimulation of the nerves of the upper cervical spine can cause the above symptoms. This may be due to stiffness of the upper spinal joints, muscular tightness, or, less commonly, a problem with the discs which sit between the bones of the upper spine.
Cervicogenic headaches can occur following trauma such as motor vehicle accidents, repetitive sitting or lifting activities, spinal arthritis, and sometimes when we are suffering from stress. Appropriate manual physiotherapy therapy is an effective treatment in the management of cervicogenic headaches. Following a thorough assessment to identify the cause/s of your cervicogenic headache, your Physiotherapist may use several techniques to relieve your symptoms. These may include muscle strengthening to gain neck stability or joint loosening and stretching techniques to improve neck mobility.
If you have been suffering from recent headaches or have had long-term symptoms book in to see one of our Performance Edge Physiotherapists for an assessment and personalized treatment.